"The informal city presents an amalgam of human poverty and creativity, collectivities and inequalities, entrenched and emergent realities." -Gwendolyn Wright

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My take on Architecture...

I believe that...
Architecture is more than buildings which are design to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public
It is more than just a space in which a human occupies
or four wall with a roof over head...

Architecture, I Believe is...
A cue to the world
it gives orientation,
it provides emotional connection.
it is the protector,
it is a piece of art.

In the scheme of things...
Architecture must explore every option,
It must Connect, work with, and embrace all the layers of the built and natural environments
It must take a holistic approach to any solution used to solve a problem
Architecture must have soul.

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