"The informal city presents an amalgam of human poverty and creativity, collectivities and inequalities, entrenched and emergent realities." -Gwendolyn Wright

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Define Slum Classification

This is from a research paper I did on Lima, Peru:

The broad characterization of slums can be described as informal settlements with poor quality housing, limited access to services, and often on insecure land (Anonymous, 2003). Common association of the term “slum” refer to a place within the urban planned inner city which originally were laid out and built several decades ago in line with the then prevailing urban planning, zoning and construction standards, but which, over time, have progressively become physically dilapidated and overcrowded to the point where they became the near exclusive residential zone for lowest income groups (Anonymous, 2003).

The more common slum condition found in Lima, Peru specifically would be the ‘informal Settlement’. This would be the process of which land is land is invaded and subdivided, normally by squatters illegally, then they build housing units. These housing units are erected without formal permission and with materials and building standards that do not meet local building codes (Anonymous 2003).

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